viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Chemistry in the Health

My Future Profession: "Chemisthy in Health"

Discovering what to study was really a challenge. I always liked chemistry and it's relation to health, but I could not find the indicated career. When I took the PSU for a second time, I made a decision and I went to study Chemistry and Pharmacy in the University of Chile. I discovered that this career was directly related with the health and that's what I was looking for. 

I always wanted to dedicate my life to something that can help people, society and to contribute, here I think that can do it. For this reason I think it's special. It's important for me to educate people, about the medicines they consume, about their health, which is something so everyday. 

Besides that, I love chemistry, I was excited by the idea of playing with chemicals in a laboratory, knowing more about that and wearing a white apron. My dream is to continue learning, contribute to society and be able to be a crazy chemistry.

sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

My Unforgettable Holidays

Traveling across the South of Chile.

The last year, mi big sister changed from Coquimbo to Puerto Aysén. She is the mother of my two nephews that I love so much. It was very hard when he moved, since it is more than 1700 kilometers from my house, it isn't easy to visit her.

In October of last year with my parents we plan to go see them on vacation. We decided to travel by car, it was very hard planning, since we had to travel part by road and another part by sea, on a ferry, the main thing was to know the austral highway.

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Santa Lucía after the alluvium

We had everything ready to travel on January 14, 2018, but on December 16, 2017 there was a alluvion in Santa Lucia, south of Chaitén. T
his natural catastrophe complicated our trip, because the highway closed in 6 kilometers, where we had to get across to Aysén.  
We waited to date and had to cross that part of the road cut by sea. 

Resultado de imagen para camino a puerto aysen

On January 14 with my parents we started the trip for a month to see my sister and nephews. The travel lasted four days. We traveled 1034 km to Puerto Montt, then by sea to Chaitén. there we wait a day to take other ferry up to Raul Marin Balcamaceda. Then we travel 330 kilometers with a ferry in between until we finally reached our destination, the landscape is incredible.

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The trip was nice, I arrived until to Puerto Rio Tranquilo, I visited the Catedrál de Mármol, Bahía Acantilada, the Queulat, among many other places, it was exciting to know the Chilean Patagonia, to be surrounded by nature and animals, especially full of Chucaos which is a very common bird in the south.

It was the first vacation I enjoy so much with my family, the longest and the ones I remember best.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

My Little Autobiography

My Little Autobiography

Hi, this is a little autobiography, I born in Providencia, Santiago but grew up in the borough of Maipú. I Have always lived in the same house. I Like to play the guitar, listen to music, sleep, watch movies and series.
When I was a girl, I study in the college "República de Guatemala" that it was one block from my house, then I changed to the high school "San Pedro Poveda"until finishing my secondary education. When I took the PSU for the fist time I was selected at the University of Santiago in biochemistry but I was afraid to go in and I waited a year.

 After a year of finishing my studies, I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy in the University of Chile. I'm currently in the second year of this major and I'm happy where I am.