My experience writing blogs!
Hello everyone again, today we go with the post ten, which consists of telling my experience writing blogs. The truth is that I have always found English difficult, it's a real challenge to write in another language and on a little difficult topics, like thinking about the future, which is very ambiguous and difficult to think. Many times I had no creativity and it was complicated .
Anyway, I feel that it is a very good activity to practice writing, although in my case I always needed a lot of help. In general, I feel that I have improved my writing a bit, anyway I don't feel ready to write without the help of a dictionary, there are many words that I have not yet internalized and grammars rules that I still do not use well. I feel it was very funny, I was able to express what I wanted, put funny images and make this blog an entertaining space.
I don't have clarity about what I would like to include in the future, but I would look for more friendly writing topics with what is happening now, so that they can be informed and at the same time practice. For the future I would like to expand the blog topics, I would like to talk about other things as well, such as about some hobby, some funny experience among others.
Finally I appreciate the opportunity to live this experience as blogging, it has been useful in the field of learning in English and it has been fun this semester. bye!